Koronawirusowa Kantdemia
Kronika Największego i Najbardziej Haniebnego Kłamstwa w Historii Ludzkości Dr Georgi Aleksandrow Stankow, MD, 16 Sierpnia 2020 r. Źródło: The Coronavirus Scamdemic www.stankovuniversallaw.com Treść: Przedmowa I. Why There Are No Viruses Perché non ci sono virus II. The Biggest Scientific Fraud and Political Crime of All Times: No One Died of Coronavirus! III. The Tide Has Turned – The Coronavirus Scam is Officially Exposed IV. Prophetic Seth On Pandemics and Viruses – Jane Roberts V. With Lies and Half-Truths Humanity Is Striding Steadily Towards Ascension Con le menzogne e le mezz...